How to make youtube ads that work – ABCDs of Effective Creative

( Start at 30 seconds in the above video – )

Front-load your most interesting piece at the start. Hook audience attention from the start.

B = BRAND (When should you introduce your brand in the video?)
(1 min 15 seconds in the video – )

If your goal is upper funnel like Ad recall, then bring your brand name on the screen within the first 5 seconds, and then show it often throughout your ad.

If your goal is mid-funnel like Consideration, then let the audience first engage with your video (content), to understand your story, and then introduce your brand later in a way that makes them connect with your brand in a more memorable way.

C = CONNECT through emotion and storytelling
(2 min 14 seconds into the video at )

Use creative content and styles to connect with  your audience

Try fast pacing – new cuts, new scenes to make the video fast-paced.

Make sure to use both visuals and audio to make an impact.

D = DIRECT – Direct the viewer what to do next
( 3min 6 seconds into the video

Make sure you use an appropriate “call to action” to direct the users to what you are expecting next.


Positioning is important

Positioning is the foundation of every business.

positioning in business

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